Thursday, May 31, 2007

kerpucha or w/e at Super Deluxe

haha, i know the kanji now to post...anyways, i didn't like most of what i saw, if i had known what i know now perhaps i would of thrown together a slide show or something. getting on, my favorite was the glowstick animation. at first it looked like the same crap i've seen done w/ glowsticks, but when they started doing the dolphin and that dog like thing walking it got really good. they also did a good job of syncing the beat w/ it. i'm tryin to remember, there was something else i liked a lot that came just after the glowsticks but my memory is failing me... moving along then, the performance art gets some kudos from me, but only b/c he used space invader guys as the bugs and i'm a retro kid like that; but as for whether it was art or my opinion no, but it seems just about anything flies these days so w/e. i said i'd comment on the izat and i will not let you down. i liked the black and white pattern, and it ends there. they looked very impractical, could they move their arms very much? enough to work all the zippers and what not? i was sitting in the front at that time and they both were being dressed by 3 other guys. they started to remind me of Maggie Simpson's snowsuit (the star one). the tour guide world traveler had some pretty pictures; the one architect, white woman...german i think?, had a slide show that didn't show any of her buildings, just people working on them, a dog, and her daughter so she gets low scores from me. the other architect i remember, japanese man with pink shirt, that did the ceilings was...boring i found, except the one slide of an apartment like building shot from the outside i found cool. the wrapping paper guys was mostly yawns, though i thought he hit on a few pieces. the 2nd guy up that did the mannequins i liked b/c i'm a big fan of those bright colors, i especially like the crazy reindeer.

1 comment:

harry stormes said...

I like the poka dots!!!